XRF spectrum of the glass flute (Inv. No. 58531, P1)


Part of Querflöte aus Glas

XRF spectrum of the glass flute (Inv. No. 58531, P1)
Glass flute, ca. 1860, Deutsches Museum, Inv. No. 58531.
Equipment:Bruker Titan S1 600-800 handheld X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer with a Si-PIN detector (Hardware settings: Source: Rh; Analytical Mode Soil Calibration P/N 730.0083, Phase 1: Voltage: 45 kV, Current: 12 µA,TiAl filter, Acquisition Time 30s; Phase 2: Voltage: 15 kV, Current: 29 µA Acquisition Time 30s; Software: Bruker Artax Spectra).
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Photo: Deutsches Museum, C. Holzer
CC BY-SA 4.0