Natural trumpet in B with four coils, early 20th century, Inv. No. 65601

The virtual instruments can be played with the computer mouse as well as with the computer keyboard. If you are using a keyboard, please note the following:

Imagine that the keys A-S-D-F etc. of the computer keyboard correspond to the keys of a piano keyboard. You can control the dynamics with “,” (piano), “-” (forte), and “.” (mezzo-forte). While playing the keyboard, you can change octaves with the arrow key: Arrow left = low octave, arrow up = middle octave, arrow right = high octave. When you play the trumpet, you cannot change octaves. The arrow keys regulate the playing style, allowing you to choose between legato and staccato.

The timbre spaces show the sounds of the respective glass instrument in red and the sounds of their respective relatives made of other materials in gray. Use your mouse to rotate the three-dimensional timbre space on all axes and sonically and visually explore the differences between the individual sounds.

Click here for more information on the glass trumpet.

Citation: Rebecca Wolf, ‘Glass sounds or the fascination of transparency’, in: Materiality of Musical Instruments. A Virtual Exhibition.

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